Still feels like March

Yesterday was a real Maine spring day: sunny, warm, hinting of buds bursting and flowers blooming. But then again, you could just as easily say today is a real Maine spring day: gray, damp, threatening rain. Earlier, it felt so warm and sunny that I opened a bunch of windows and the back door to the patio. The the clouds set in.

As one of my current foci of practice is on accepting what is, I remind myself of what Gurdjieff said: “Never consider the weather.”

My inner default is more like fighting with what is, and resenting that it isn’t what it could be. This morning in my meditation I got to that sweet spot in which I truly understand that the process is proceeding on all levels and the ENTIRETY is perfect, as it is. That is a statement I feel is easily misinterpreted. Anyone who knows me knows that I use large amounts of energy working to improve conditions in many many ways, for myself and for others, inwardly and outwardly. This “sweet spot” I am referring to does not preclude seeing suffering, seeing pain, experiencing pain, making choices, undertaking actions – in fact it includes all of that, but also much more. The sensation is as if a container has opened, stretching the space within which I exist, including all, and giving presence to all.

Then, from that expanded space, whatever actions I decide to take can come from a perspective that is so much bigger, with so much more compassion.


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